
The aim of this study is correlate the level of the stress pre competitive with the motivational orientation of the young athletes who participate in the sport competition. Through a research correlational we studied 25 younger Brazilians athletes of athletics (mean age 15.20±1.91) in Santana de Parnaíba, São Paulo City, Brazil; as instrumental we applied the List Of Symptoms Of "Stress" Pre-Competitive Youth Children and Teosq, then we tested the stability of the instruments and their correlation. Corresponding to the Teosq scale the Alpha was 0.69 for ego orientations and 0.75 for task orientation; for the stress scale, the Alpha result was 0.86, the average of task orientation was 4.20 and ego orientation was 2.64 showing that the group has tendency to task orientation; the level of stress was moderate and no significant correlations was found. We can conclude that both instruments tested in this study had a stable reliability and the pre-competitive stress, can cause changes in the behavior of a consistent athlete before the competition, disfiguring your sleep, and during sports practice, impair its performance.


Motivation, Pre Competitive Stress, Track and Field,


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