This study compared the association between Foster’s and Banister’s TRIMP methods for quantifying internal training load and training stimuli responses. Methods: A group of twenty-two Taekwondo competitors were divided by gender and level of expertise. The athletes practiced three different types of exercises to develop the following skills: a) speed, b) power, and c) aerobic power. Results: A significant correlation was obtained between the Foster’s and Banister’s TRIMP methods for developing aerobic capacity (r = 0.60, p = 0.004) and power (r = 0.52, p = 0.014). No significant correlation was suggested between training methods and speed training (r = 0.20, p = 0.377). Conclusion: Lactate and heart rate responses to different types of exercises suggested the need for aerobic and anaerobic-based training sessions. The use of rating of perceived exertion scale-based measurements to monitor workload is recommended for Taekwondo competitors.
Foster’s Method, Banister’s TRIMP, Lactate, Heart Rate, Speed, Aerobic Power, Taekwondo,References
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