Most children have the option to participate in recreation, after school activities, weekend team sports, and summer camps. At school, they have a chance to exercise in physical education classes and in the playground at recess. However, these are limited for children with disabilities. Children with disabilities want to have friends, enjoy activities, and be included like everyone else. Like other children their interests range from swimming and sports, to visiting parks and playgrounds and attending summer camps with friends. The purpose of this study was to find out Influence of Recreational games on selected fitness components, cognitive skills and psychomotor abilities among mild intellectually challenged children from age group of 10 to 15 years both boys and girls and forty five students who were study in Coimbatore District. The subjects were divided in to three groups, each group consisting of 15 each. Experimental group I participated in unified play activities with partner who is normal for a period of 12 weeks training. Experimental group II participated in unified play activities among themselves for a period of 12 weeks training. Control group did not participate in unified play activities. The subjects were tested on selected criterion variables physical fitness variables as flexibility, leg explosive power and balance, Cognitive skills span of memory and span of attention and psychomotor ability reaction time, finger – eye coordination and hand – eye coordination before the training and after 12 weeks of training. The analysis of covariance was applied to find out the significant difference among the 10 -14 years of all groups in the selected variables. The “t” ratio was applied to find out significant improvement in the selected variables in each group.
Recreational games, Intellectually challenged children and disability,References
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