
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of participation in a 1-week summer camp on the hopelessness and self-esteem of the university students attending Sport Sciences Faculty. Participants were 36 university students assigned to experiment group using a random procedure. Coopersmith Self-esteem and Beck Hopelessness Scales were completed at the beginning and end of the summer camp by designed the university. The obtained data were analysed in the SPSS 18.0 program and the significance level was taken as 0.05. The descriptive statistics, independent simple t test, paired simple t test and Pearson correlation were used for analyse the data in the study. According to the results of the research, no significant difference was observed in the comparison of the hopelessness and self-esteem levels between pre and post-test. In addition, there was a significant difference in the hopelessness level of male and female students but any significant difference was not observed in terms of self-esteem. There was a significant relationship between hopelessness and self-esteem pre and post-test. These result shows that a 1-week summer camp cannot change the hopelessness or self-esteem level. However, as the self-esteem rises, the rate of despair decreases whereas as the despair rises, the selfesteem decreases.


Hopelessness, Self-esteem, Psychology, Summer camp,


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