
The author presents an attempt at joining the concepts of intelligence by R.B. Cattell and attention by R.M. Nideffer, and including them into a system of a motor operation production, from stimulus reception through movements’ execution. Such a system may be presented as the movements’ management matrix. Joining the two-dimensional concept of attention by Nideffer and one-dimensional concept of intelligence by Cattell results with creation of a three-dimensional model of intellect. The latter makes the central component of the “main production unit” of a motor operation, consisting of three “working” mechanisms (attention, intellect, and foresight) and two auxiliary ones (motivation and decision). Author presents the model of a three-dimensional intellect in the context of the movements’ management matrix and the modalities’ ladder, based on theory by N.A. Bernstein.


Attention, Intelligence, Intellect, Modalities’ Ladder, Movements’ Management Matrix,


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