Over the past few years, energy drink consumption has increased among students aged 18–34 years. Energy drinks alter the balance, reduce blood flow and interfere with neuromuscular activation in the lower extremities. We attempted to determine which specific additive of three different drinks (red bull, rockstar, and bang) could contribute to changes in muscle activation of the ankle complex. Twenty healthy young adults aged 22–28 years were included in this study and allocated among 3 groups, red bull, rockstar, and bang. Neuromuscular data were obtained from EMG sensors positioned on the anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius before completing the four balance tasks. Each participant completed all the tasks before and after the 16-ounce Edrink. ANOVA was performed to compare the data before and after the beverage. Statistical significance was set at P <0.05. A trend was observed in red bull and bang groups revealing a faster anterior tibial activity and prolong activation for gastrocnemius. The rockstar group also showed a more rapid activation trend and shorter response during all tasks for the gastrocnemius. It appears that the additives found in Redbull and Bang produce an increased posterior sway, indicated by the faster activity observed on the anterior tibial muscle. On the other hand, the elements encountered in rockstars provoke anterior movements, creating the need for a quicker response from the gastrocnemius muscle. Further research is required to explore certain energy drink ingredients' effects on dynamic activities such as walking.
Energy drinks, Muscle activation, Tibialis anterior, Gastrocnemius, Energy drink ankle musculature,References
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