Background: Achilles tendon strain actually identifies itself. First a strain is milder always than a sprain and a strain affects tendons while sprains affect ligaments. A strain involves hyperextension of a tendon or mild tearing of its fibers. Methods: Analytical methods was used for this article by reviewing relevant publications, primarily based on the online sports medicine journals available on Internet, Wikipedia, Elsevier, PubMed, Google Scholar and National Sports Injury Center Saffdarjang Hospital. Conclusion: This review will provide an overview of the Achilles tendon Sprain and their immediate management on playfield. By this sports personals i.e. coach, trainer and player itself would be able to identify this injury. And will give a better understanding about the sign and symptoms of this injury. Approaches should be used to help in sports training and to avoid injury. Good understanding of the injury and their management may be used in the sports to establish safe and effective training guidelines for sportsman.
Strain, Sports Injury, Achilles tendon, R.I.C.E,References
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