The purpose of this study is to determine the task and ego orientations of tennis referees, and to determine whether they differ according to some demographic characteristics. The data obtained from the research were in the survey model within the scope of quantitative research and were examined in a descriptive research design. According to the information obtained from the corporate website of the Turkish Tennis Federation, there are 219 tennis referees registered in the Anatolian Side of Istanbul. Doğan et al. (2017) The Task and Ego Orientation Scale in Sports for Referees was used. In addition, a demographic information form consisting of 4 questions was created. In this form, tennis referees were asked about their gender, age, education status and the period they were refereeing. Before starting the research, necessary permission was obtained from the relevant scientist regarding the use of the mentioned scale. The scale from prepared by the researcher in Google documents was sent to the referees registered in the Turkish Tennis Federation in the Anatolian Side of Istanbul through social communication networks. All analyzes were carried out using the SPSS 26.0 package program at 95% confidence level. In the study, according to the total scores of the tennis referees on the Task and Ego Orientation Scale for Referees in Sports; there was a significant difference only in terms of gender variable. Accordingly, the sub-dimension point averages of female referees in sports are lower than male referees.
Tennis, Umpires, Sports, Goals,References
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