Using the teaching games for understanding model (TGfU) as an intervention strategy, this study intended to establish whether it could affect the moral disengagement (MD) levels of students / participants with special educational needs and disabilities; (SEND) by enhancing their positive behaviours in physical education (PE). The study focused on male students (n = 12) aged 13-14 years old who all had a range of different SEND conditions and they were taught within a special school setting in the UK. The intervention activity focussed on the sport of Indoor Hockey and this was taught by an experienced Teacher of PE over a period of six-weeks. The study used several qualitative approaches to collect and analyse the data. For example, the students completed two questionnaires and the teacher-researcher gathered field notes over the course of the intervention period. The data collection methods which were used to triangulate the results were an adapted qualitative ‘Physical Education Classroom Instrument’, an instrument called the ‘Moral Disengagement tool in Physical Education’ (MDPE), which was specifically designed for the use within a physical education setting and the teacher-researcher field notes. In conclusion the results from study show that by implementing MD minimisation strategies such as the TGfU model, can reduce students’ misbehaviours in PE lessons focussed on games such as Indoor Hockey and also moral disengagment minimisation strategies can help reduce the misbehaviours of students in PE with SEND.
Students, Special needs, Teaching, Misbehaviour,References
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