
The study aimed to assess quality of life (QOL) and its association with running habits in middle-aged street runners. This is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 33 amateur street racers (20 men and 13 women), selected for convenience in a running group in Porto Alegre-RS. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all data collection was performed online. Two questionnaires, one to assess running habits, with objective questions about the time, weekly hours of practice, and weekly training frequency, and the other to assess QoL (WHOQOL-bref) were won. As a result, street runners’ pair good levels of overall QoL (average: 77 points), as well as in the different domains of QoL (physical domain: 80 points, psychological: 78 points, social: 76 points, and environmental: 75 points, in media). The time of practice was directly associated with higher scores in the overall QoL and physical domain (P <0.01) regardless of age, weekly hours, and weekly frequency. No associations existed between age and running habits in the psychological, social, and environmental domains. The street runners in the running group evaluated showed good QoL, especially in the physical, psychological and overall QoL domains, which was directly and positively associated with the time of practice in the modality.


Exercise, Running, Aerobic Training, Aging, Mental Health,


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