Effective teaching practices in dance cover a variety of theoretical and practical approaches and techniques and individual teaching and learning styles. This study focused on dance pedagogy used by physical education teachers in enhancing skill acquisition, mastery, and self-image. Specifically, the study investigated the extent of the use of dance pedagogy by physical education teachers in five teacher education institutions to enhance skill acquisition, mastery, and self-image. The total number of participants of the study was twenty-three (23) wherein fifteen (15) were females and eight (8) males and with experiences in teaching ranging from 1 to 25 years. A questionnaire comprising 65 items that exemplify the sixteen dance teaching guidelines for strengthening students' dance skill acquisition, knowledge, and self-image was used to gather data supported by classroom observation. The items were adapted from the sixteen guidelines for teaching and learning identified by Mainwaring and Krasnow, which were categorized into three major areas: process and goals, influences that affect dancers' progress, and structure and content of the class. The data were treated using descriptive statistical tools. The results showed that the physical education teachers always practice dance pedagogies that enhance dance skill acquisition, mastery, and self-image. Dance pedagogies are needed to maximize the potential of every learner who wants to progress and become their best.
Dance Pedagogy, Physical Education Teachers, Dance, Practices, Mastery, Skill Acquisition, Self-Image,References
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