Physical education (PE) is challenging to teach in a face-to-face setup due to its rigorous physical activities (PA). This challenge intensified with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting a shift toward exclusively adopting distance learning education (DLE) or online education (OE). Since there is a lack of elaboration on the challenges encountered by PE teachers in teaching the subject in such a setup and understanding the solutions they have implemented for its successful delivery, this study reviews available studies to understand this case. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) bounded by inclusion-exclusion criteria, 39 Philippine studies were screened and considered for review. Despite PE teachers confronting a series of challenges and these hurdles demanding a paradigm shift in teaching strategies, particularly in maintaining physical engagement and connection in a virtual setting, these challenges spurred resilience and innovation. In particular, interprofessional collaboration for pedagogical resilience, adaptation of innovative pedagogies, improving technological proficiency, and dealing with remote environments are commendable actions that PE teachers demonstrated in times of DLE/OE. The study concludes that PE teachers demonstrated a commitment to collective success, similar to other subjects, by providing students with a diverse educational journey despite the nature of the subject.
Distance learning education, Online education, Systematic literature review, Philippines,References
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