
The present study was undertaken to assess and compare the self-efficacy of boxers, weightlifters and wrestlers. For this present study, total two hundred forty sportsmen of different colleges of Himachal Pradesh University were randomly drawn to act as subjects. Out of these, eighty male boxers, eighty male weightlifters and eighty male wrestlers were selected to act as subjects. Only those sportsmen were selected, who participated in inter college competitions. The Hindi version of general self-efficacy developed by S. Sud, Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1998) was used to collect data regarding self-efficacy. Mean and standard deviation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey Post Hoc Test were used as statistical techniques. It is found that there was significant difference regarding self-efficacy between boxers, weightlifters and wrestlers. Boxers possessed higher level of self-efficacy than weight lifters.


Self-Efficacy, Boxers, Weightlifters, Wrestlers,


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