
The purpose of the study was to compare the SAI Hockey Skill Test between the hockey players of C.B.S.E and State board schools of Kashmir. The subjects selected for this study were 100 hockey players of two Board schools of Kashmir. Out of 100 hockey players 50 players were selected from five C.B.S.E schools and 50 players were selected from five State board schools, from each school 10 hockey players were selected for this study. The age of these players were ranged between 12 to 14 years. The criterion variables selected for this study were the three test items of SAI hockey skill test. Comparison of SAI hockey skill test between the hockey players of C.B.S.E and state board independent t ratio was applied. The result of the study showed that shooting in the target and moving with the ball showed significant difference between C.B.S.E and State board (p < 0.05). In contrast, balancing the ball on the stick showed no difference between the groups (p > 0.05). It is concluded that C.B.S.E school boys better skills in hockey than state board school boys.


Hockey Skill Test, School, State Board, C.B.S.E,


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