
The aim of the study was to analyze the mood states of high- and low-level cricket players during competitive season. 260 cricket players those participated in the Virudhunagar district cricket league during the year 2012-13 were selected as subjects to achieve the study objectives. The subjects confined to this study were classified into two groups as high- and low-level cricket players on the basis of their competitive standards. The high-level group comprising 130 players selected from A Division teams and low-level group constitutes 130 players selected from B Division teams. The age of the subjects was ranged between 15 and 34 years. Profile of Mood States Questionnaire developed by McNair et al., (1971) was used in the present study. This questionnaire constitutes 65-items which measures five negative scales such as fatigue, depression, tension, anger, confusion and positive scale vigour. The two-way factorial ANOVA with repeated measures on the last factor showed that tension, depression, anger and confusion showed no difference during cricket season between high- and low-level cricket players. However, vigor and fatigue interaction is significant and Scheffé S post hoc test was applied. Vigor and fatigue showed significant difference between the groups at start and mid-season. However, vigor showed significant difference between the groups at end and within low level cricket players. It is concluded that positive factor vigor showed high in high level cricket players than low level cricket players. The cricket season showed fatigue in the middle of the season.


POMS, Cricket, Players, High and Low,


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