
The purpose of the present study was to compare the Physical Fitness variables of Batsmen and Wicketkeepers in cricket. The study was administered on 20 batsmen and 20 wicketkeepers in the age group of 18 to 25 years were participated in the 2012 Buck Cricket Tournament was conducted by YMCA College of physical education, Chennai. The Physical Fitness variable which was used in this study is Flexibility, Agility, Speed, and Balance. To find out the significance difference t-test was used. The level of significance was chosen as 0.05 levels. Result of this study reveals that there was significant difference exit between the Flexibility (2.787) and no significant difference exit between the Balance (0.516), Agility (0.643), Speed (1.327) of Batsmen and Wicketkeepers in cricket as the tabulated ‘t’(2.024).


Physical Fitness, Batsmen and Wicket keepers,


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