
The purpose of this study is to compare explosive power between male volleyball and basketball players of Annamalai University. To achieve the purpose of this study, thirty male players, that is fifteen basketball players and fifteen volleyball players were selected as subjects from various departments of Annamalai University, and their age ranged from 19 to 25 years. These subjects were tested on explosive power by vertical jump test. The collected data was analysed using independent ‘t’ ratio to find out the significant difference between volleyball and basketball players. The result of the study showed that there was no significant difference on explosive power (t = 0.136, p > 0.05) between volleyball and basketball players. It is concluded that both games demand greater explosive power for better performance. The nature of both games varies, although the skills like spiking and jump shot require explosive power as a result of this no difference is elicited between the groups.


Volleyball, Basketball, Explosive power, t ratio, Vertical jump test,


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